The Best Schools in Chapel Hill, NC
The society thrives on education. That is why you will always find a school everywhere you go. School spring up every now and then but they are never enough. They are always on demand. It has reached a point where towns, cities, and counties take pride in their education institutions and ensure that they offer better education than their counterparts. This is the reason why each area has its own school district. Chapel Hill is no different. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro School District serves public education in the town, the neighboring Carrboro town and the unincorporated communities in the county. Generally, the best schools in Chapel Hill include;
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
It is famous for being the oldest university in the country as far as public universities goes. It was charted in the year 1789 and it began enrolling six years later. It is the oldest and the most popular university in North Carolina with an enrollment of over 29,000 students in a single academic year.The students come from all over the state, all the other states in the country and other countries in the world. It was once ranked as the 5th best public university in the United States by U.S News and World Report. This university has all the facilities that a student would require be it academic or extracurricular.
Chapel Hill High School
Chapel Hill High School is the main high school in Chapel Hill. It operates under the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School District. It is known for its excellent academic performance and was ranked among the best performing schools in the United States by Wall Street Journal in 1999. The criteria used for this ranking was based on SATs, standardized-test scores and achievement-tests done in a span of ten years. Chapel Hill is also a strong supporter of the arts and athletics. It is home to over 20 athletics teams. Some of the sports available include Volleyball, cheerleading, baseball, softball, lacrosse and many more. When it comes to the arts, the school has an orchestra, a marching band, a concert band, a jazz band and many other bands.
East Chapel Hill High School
This is the second popular high school in the town. Like its counterpart, it is also known for its academic excellence. U.S News &World Report has always ranked this school among the top hundred best public schools in the United States. East Chapel Hill performance was so impressive until it reached the 23rd spot on the list before it was disqualified in 2008. However, it later on received national recognition in 2012 when Newsweek ranked it as the 88th best high school of that year.
If you are looking for quality education, you can be sure that Chapel Hill will not let you down. Individual statistics already proves that it has one of the best education systems in America.Students from all over the world come to get a piece of this education and they always leave satisfied.

Hi! The city of Chapel Hill is known for its mild climate, cordial community, economic development, amenities and peaceful life style. The city is ideally located and is precisely three hours from the Blue Ridge Mountains and three hours from the Atlantic Ocean. The city is a mix blend of rich history and youthful exuberance. The famous Money Magazine listed the city on the top as far as living is concerned.